Rosario del Espíritu Santo personalizado

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Color: Azul marino

Este rosario lleno del Espíritu Santo está hecho con nuestro popular azul marino iridiscente oscuro o nuestras alegres cuentas de vidrio rojo rondelle . Este rosario es un gran regalo para el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Comienza con una Cruz de la Santísima Trinidad importada de Italia. Este rosario puede personalizarse con el nombre de sus seres queridos o el de sus hijos en cada decena.

Estos rosarios están elaborados como una herramienta para rezar el rosario y no tienen una longitud adecuada para usarlos como collar.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Amazing! Came in about a week through the mail and it was beautiful when it arrived. Will definitely be ordering again soon!

Kevin L.
Good New Item !!!!!

I Love My Brand New Rosary and a Big GOD Blessed Thanks to ALL of You Especially💜 Cecelia !!!!!

Thelma M.

Yes. Tysm. We ordered a lot of rosaries in Dec. We have an issue on the last 2 custom rosaries, re to the centerpiece Holy Spirit's flip side "Pray for us" is wrong! Should be "Have Mercy on us". Pray for us is for the BVM & the Saints, not the Holy Trinity (GOF JC HS). I want to return them if it can be changed to the MM of the BVM. Hoping for your kind consideration. /tm

Judith H.
Exquisite and sturdy

I am happy with the beauty and durability of my rosary!

The Holy Spirit Rosary

I received the Holy Spirit Rosary. As a Christmas gift And the craftsmanship is absolutely gorgeous. I chose the red beads and some personalization and it came out perfect. I am so happy with my brand new Holy Spirit Rosary. It brings me so much peace. Thank you Journey Deeper😀

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