Whose voice is praying? Whose hands are crafting? Who is Journey Deeper?

Journey Deeper began in 2018 as a Musical Rosary that I was inspired to write. Growing up in a religious home, I always found the rosary to be a bit monotonous until I grew older. Having our Lord's Mother as my role model, I wanted to inspire others to pray the rosary and experience the true joy of Jesus I have found in my life. On a personal intimate level, I have found that going to Jesus through Mary is absolutely the quickest way to holiness with the least amount of bumps along the road! Jesus delights in us loving His Mother! As we saw in the Wedding Feast at Cana, he certainly never refuses Her! I choose the shortcut 🤍!
Shortly after the musical rosary that same year, the Holy Spirit sent me an angel who has become like a mother to me since mine went home to be with Jesus in November of 2020. This angel needed help making rosaries as this was her charity work. It immediately resonated with me! I remember I practically jumped out of my chair and said, "I'll do it! Teach me!" She was so pleasantly surprised at my knee-jerk reaction and a great desire to learn. It was as if the Holy Spirit pushed me and said "Let's Go little one!" So I did just that! The Holy Spirit completely took over, began opening all of the doors, as well as began putting all of these creative ideas in my head. I knew nothing about business much less how to open an online store! That same year I was called to go to Medjugorje...alone! The crazy part about me going to Medjugorje alone is that I had never been out of the country or done much traveling in my life. I am also greatly navigationally challenged. So for The Holy Spirit and Our Loving Mother to call me to Medjugorje all by myself was a huge deal. With a great leap of faith, I gave a courageous, YES! It was truly Heaven on earth. Little did I know it was another preparation for leading people to pray on YouTube. The Holy Spirit guided it all and continues to! Glory to God!
In 2019 my ex-boyfriend who was my boyfriend at the time, continued to tell me that I would be great on YouTube. I told him he was crazy! "What would I possibly do on YouTube?", I would say to him. He continued to encourage me saying I had all the talent and tools before me. I did not realize at the time just how much the Holy Spirit was using him to once again push me out and say, "Let's Go little one!" The only thing I was passionate about was prayer, and continue to be now more than ever as I am madly crazy in love with Jesus Christ, my sweet Jesus! So December 29, 2019, I uploaded my very first video! It was pretty awful, I must say, My First Video. The Holy Spirit began to grow a community of prayer warriors praying together daily from all over the world. Four years later, for the glory of God, we have half a million subscribed prayer warriors. As we continue to grow, the Holy Spirit is paving the way for Journey Deeper to be in every language possible! May God be praised!
Join me and all prayer warriors in daily prayer Journey Deeper. To join our Journey Deeper sponsors or just give one time, click here: Donate or become a Patreon!
I believe there has never been a better time then now to pray without ceasing! Pray with me daily on YouTube at Journey Deeper